Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Help Homeless Youth

There are approximately one hundred and ten homeless shelters in California, and only three of those are teenage shelters. There are shelters for Men and Children, Women and Children, and Family Shelters. These shelters are mostly used just for women and men and families with small children. These shelters are not being used for teens due to the fact that most teens leave their homes and families because of their situation. The top ten reasons why teens end up in homeless shelters are because of:
  1. “Kicked out - Mostly the reason why kids leave home isn't because they 'runaway,' it is because they get kicked out.
  2. Sexual Abuse
  3. Violence
  4. Alcohol or Drugs
  5. Verbal Abuse
  6. Neglect - they don't get basic stuff other kids do, like food or it may be as if they aren't even there and no one cares about them.
  7. Crime
  8. Stress - someone is always on their case putting pressure on them to do something all the time like cleaning up or doing homework.
  9. School - they get bullied at school and can't put up with it anymore or they get in really big trouble at school and just can't go home because of what might happen when their parents find out.
  10. Someone is Gone - this could be because they died, or parents get divorced or separated. It also could be an older brother or sister moved out of home.”
The only teenage shelter in the Sacramento area is WIND. “WIND Youth Services is a local non-profit 501(c)(3) agency that was established in 1994 to directly address the immediate and long-range needs of the Sacramento area homeless, runaway, and street youth and their families.” They deal specifically with youth coming from bad areas and bad home circumstances. WIND not only gives teens a place to stay but helps feed, cloth, and school help.
“Their goals are that:
  • Youth will have access to a safe environment that encourages healthy functioning and independence
  • Youth will be offered opportunities to develop healthy and supportive relationships.
  • Youth will be presented with opportunities to develop and share their gifts and talents.
  • Youth will be exposed to positive activities and learning experiences to channel their energy.
  • Youth will be encouraged in skill building activities that promote self-sufficiency.
  • Youth will be supported in the discovery and understanding of their own self-worth.”
Right now WIND is on the verge of having to shut down due to fewer and less donations. Without this organization many teens will end up on the streets, joining gangs, and dropping out of school. Anyone can make a donation whether its money or clothes or even time to help out at the organization. WIND needs to stay open and available to the many teens it helps and has helped and will help.
California is not the ony place going through hardships. There are shelters that are on the verge of shutting down all around the U.S.. If you are interested in helping out, check out local youth shelters in your area.

For more information about WIND Youth Services go to their website

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